A family history in hospitality and fashion since 1962

A special encounter - that between young Domenica Mottini and Emilio Giacomelli - triggers an exciting story that continues to this day. 

​A futuristic vision and a courageous investment lead "Milio" to build one of the first hotels in Livigno: in 1962, the Hotel Concordia is inaugurated, followed over the years by new hotels, fashion boutiques, and high-class restaurants, always managed by the Giacomelli family, which celebrated 50 years of activity in 2012.

A precious legacy that passes between capable and attentive hands, from parents to children, to grandchildren, to great-grandchildren: the entrepreneurial courage and love for hospitality of Domenica and Milio have made Livigno a small paradise, and today their legacy continues with the next generation.


A family history in hospitality and fashion since 1962

Un incontro speciale - quello tra i giovani Domenica Mottini ed Emilio Giacomelli - innesca una storia emozionante che continua ancora oggi.


Una visione avveniristica e un investimento coraggioso portano "Milio" a costruire uno dei primi alberghi nella Val di Livigno: nel 1962, si inaugura l'Hotel Concordia, seguito poi negli anni da nuovi alberghi, boutique di moda e ristoranti di alta classe, da sempre gestiti dalla famiglia Giacomelli, che nel 2012 festeggia i 50 anni di attività

Un testimone prezioso che passa tra mani capaci e attente, dai genitori ai figli, ai nipoti, ai pronipoti: il coraggio imprenditoriale e l'amore per l'ospitalità di Domenica e Milio hanno reso Livigno un piccolo paradiso, e oggi la loro eredità continua con la prossima generazione.


Milio and Domenica Giacomelli open Hotel Concordia


A new chapter: Renna Sport is born. A leather goods boutique


The family grows. Big opportunities open up for the future


Hotel Concordia doubles its capacity and hosts top names


Domenica takes over the iconic family store “Da Giuseppina”;

Jack&Jack fashion store is bought and run by Maurillio, the firstborn


Second restyling for Hotel Concordia


Lungolivigno S.p.A. Group is born


The group acquires the restaurant Tea del Vidal, the Residence Nuova Villa, Caffè della Posta e Hotel Lac Salin;

The 1st edition of Art in Ice, a global exhibition of ice sculptures, is held


The first issue of the magazine "Lungolivigno" (later "Arialpina magazine") comes out;

Hotel Parè in Teola is now run by the group


Hotel Lac Salin*** becomes Lac Salin SPA & Mountain Resort****S;

The first issue of "Lungolivigno Fashion" is published


On August 18th Milio passes away


The 50th anniversary of Hotel Concordia is celebrated with the inauguration of the Lounge Bar & Restaurant.


"Art in Ice Ri-evolution" hosts Michelangelo Pistoletto with his Terzo Paradiso carved into the snow;

The new boutique on Via Fontana is inaugurated, with the contribution of the architect Roberto Baciocchi;

Grand Hotel della Posta in Sondrio also joins the Group;

The "Snow Dream Experience" is born.


Montivas Lodge, the first part of an all-round culture of sustainability, takes the place of Residence Nuova Villa;

Lungolivigno Fashion e-commerce is launched;

The historic store "Da Giuseppina 1941" (curated by architect Oliviero Baldini) undergoes a restyling under the LLF Man brand and so does the ancient Valtellinese residence Curt di Clement di Tirano, the flagship of sustainability with zero CO2 emissions.


In the middle of the pandemic, the spaces of the Hotel Lac Salin dedicated to Alpine Wellness undergo major reconstruction; Residence Edelweiss in Valdidentro also joins the LL world


Renna Sport boutique becomes a dynamic and colorful space incorporating fashion and food, thanks to the young Turin-based designer Gianluca Bocchetta


The Connaction store is supplanted by the Kids world;

Head of Sustainability and HR manager become part of the Team;

Partnership with “Too Good To Go” is launched to combat restaurant food waste;

LL relies on a young talent - chef Andrea Fugnanesi - to create Fine Dining Concordia


The Carbon Footprint is monitored with the aim of defining Green Print, an efficiency plan and reduction of CO2 emissions;

With this in mind, there are also housing and energy requalification interventions of the living spaces dedicated to employees (Casa di San Rocco, former Enel building) and a major restyling of all the rooms of the Hotel Concordia.


Milio and Domenica Giacomelli open Hotel Concordia


Un nuovo capitolo si aggiunge alla storia: nasce Renna Sport. Una Boutique specializzata in pregiati articoli di pelle


The family grows. Big opportunities open up for the future


Hotel Concordia doubles its capacity and hosts top names


Domenica takes over the iconic family store “Da Giuseppina”;

Jack&Jack fashion store is bought and run by Maurillio, the firstborn


Second restyling for Hotel Concordia


Lungolivigno S.p.A. Group is born


The group acquires the restaurant Tea del Vidal, the Residence Nuova Villa, Caffè della Posta e Hotel Lac Salin;

The 1st edition of Art in Ice, a global exhibition of ice sculptures, is held


The first issue of the magazine "Lungolivigno" (later "Arialpina magazine") comes out;

Hotel Parè in Teola is now run by the group


Hotel Lac Salin*** becomes Lac Salin SPA & Mountain Resort****S;

The first issue of "Lungolivigno Fashion" is published


On August 18th Milio passes away


The 50th anniversary of Hotel Concordia is celebrated with the inauguration of the Lounge Bar & Restaurant.


"Art in Ice Ri-evolution" hosts Michelangelo Pistoletto with his Terzo Paradiso carved into the snow;

The new boutique on Via Fontana is inaugurated, with the contribution of the architect Roberto Baciocchi;

Entra a far parte del Gruppo anche il Grand Hotel della Posta di Sondrio;

The "Snow Dream Experience" is born.


Montivas Lodge, the first part of an all-round culture of sustainability, takes the place of Residence Nuova Villa;

Lungolivigno Fashion e-commerce is launched;

The historic store "Da Giuseppina 1941" (curated by architect Oliviero Baldini) undergoes a restyling under the LLF Man brand and so does the ancient Valtellinese residence Curt di Clement di Tirano, the flagship of sustainability with zero CO2 emissions.


In the middle of the pandemic, the spaces of the Hotel Lac Salin dedicated to Alpine Wellness undergo major reconstruction; Residence Edelweiss in Valdidentro also joins the LL world


Renna Sport boutique becomes a dynamic and colorful space incorporating fashion and food, thanks to the young Turin-based designer Gianluca Bocchetta


The Connaction store is supplanted by the Kids world;

Head of Sustainability and HR manager become part of the Team;

Partnership with “Too Good To Go” is launched to combat restaurant food waste;

LL relies on a young talent - chef Andrea Fugnanesi - to create Fine Dining Concordia


The Carbon Footprint is monitored with the aim of defining Green Print, an efficiency plan and reduction of CO2 emissions;

With this in mind, there are also housing and energy requalification interventions of the living spaces dedicated to employees (Casa di San Rocco, former Enel building) and a major restyling of all the rooms of the Hotel Concordia.


